Burak Bulut YILDIRIM
  • Informazioni sull'artista
    • Biografia dell'artista
    • Dichiarazione dell'artista
    • Caratteristiche della stampa
    • Premi e riconoscimenti
    • Storia della mostra
    • Collaborazioni e progetti
  • Stampe in edizione limitata
    • Stampe disponibili
      • Galleria di opere d'arte
      • Prezzi
      • Informazioni sull'edizione
    • Tecniche e materiali di stampa
    • Certificazione e autenticità
    • Processo di acquisto
    • Domande frequenti

Dichiarazione dell'artista

As Dostoevsky said in Crime and Punishment, “Everything depends on the environment in which man lives: it is the environment that determines everything, and man is nothing.” We also experience this feeling of nothingness in our contaminated visual world. However, with the magic of light, a figure or landscape can transform and find its meaning in seconds. In my work on light for over 18 years, I photograph people changing at every angle with natural light, artificial light systems and UV lights by reshaping them with light. Using visible and invisible lights, with machines that capture and record light, I try to record a new spirit that is the most important to me alongside the elements of colour, texture and volume. So, using the properties of light in my photographs, I try to carry my soul into portraits that have also a soul. The personality and the physicality of the person I’m working with while photographing, collide with what I want to include and end up having creative consequences in a dynamic that can change at any moment. In summary, I can say that my works are emotional photographs that have been placed on a certain aesthetic level with the seductiveness of poetics.


Burak Bulut is a full-time photographer and photography mentor for over 18 years.  He started his career as an art journalist. He met photography during his journalist times, and in 2005, he opened his first photography studio in Istanbul, Turkey. Since 2005 Burak has been working as a commercial photographer for global and domestic brands and has held exhibitions all over Europe. He also has been running a photography school that has trained over 5,000 students. In 2019, he was selected as Imaging Ambassador by Sony Europe. Since then, he has been reselected every year. In the 16 years since he began his career, his fascination with shaping light has not diminished. He is still in love with living in the magical world of photography.

Informazioni sull'artista e sulle edizioni limitate IMG 0861

Mostre personali

2019: Luce nera, Galleria Volksbank, Germania/Heilbronn

2019: In Haste, Galleria Volksbank, Germania/Heilbronn

2016: We Can Do It, Galery 77, Fiera d'arte contemporanea di Istanbul, Turchia/Istanbul.

2014: In Haste, Galleria Pinelo, Turchia/Istanbul

2014: Venditori ambulanti, Tezgahçılar, Turchia/Istanbul

Mostre collettive

2023: Eros & Thanatos, Galleria XVal, Barcellona/Spagna

2019: Corpi in movimento, Galleria d'arte Loosen, Italia/Roma

2015: LandsNude, Galleria Artcore, Grecia/Salonicco (Curatore e Responsabile della fotografia)

2009: II. Festival internazionale del cinema di moda, Turchia/Istanbul


Informazioni sull'artista e sulle edizioni limitate vv Informazioni sull'artista e sulle edizioni limitate create hmention seal 1 Informazioni sull'artista e sulle edizioni limitate create con il sigillo hmention

2019: Premio Photoshoot, Arte del nudo, Merito
2017: International Photography Awards, Fine Art Photography Menzione d'onore.
2012: International Photography Awards, sezione Fotografia d'Arte, Menzione d'onore.

Recensione e interviste